Scuolaguida Ulli Fahrschule
corporate Identity
icons and signs
photo shooting
car and school windows wrapping
corporate Identity
icons and signs
photo shooting
car and school windows wrapping
Driving schools generally tend to pay little attention to their image. Their visual communication is often careless, boring and unorganised, made in a very basic way displaying sticky home-made posters or little else.
Ulli driving shool, opened in Bolzano by Ulli and Franz in 2018, changing this attitude created something new, fresh and above all supporting. Starting from the logo, modelled on the road sign – right of way –, we inspired positivity. The energetic and definite rhomboidal shape recalls the street language. The positivity of the colours and the graphic choices, the friendliness of the name, displayed on shop windows and company cars, draw the attention of many young people and Ulli quickly became the first school driver in the region in terms of number of members. I designed the shop windows and car stickers too.